he Gandhi P.R. College proposes to undertake the cause of education as a mission in community service. It is inspired and guided by outstanding personalities and educationists of high repute who are devoted and dedicated to provide value oriented education. Our mission is, to prepare students to become self reliant, productive individuals with clarity, precision and independence, to inspire students to embrace challenge to find joy and self-worth through achievement.Gandhi P.R. College is an institution dedicated to impart quality education. Our aim is to make the students excellent performers with utmost self-confidence and practical wisdom, so as to be successful in whatever field of activates they get involved after education.
The education should inculcate in student's strength, confidence,discipline, character and achieve higher values of life. We lay stress on all round personality and leadership development of our students through academics, sports and co-curricular activities. We seek to impart education as a means of providing students with a philosophy of life, thereby facilitating their over all growth. We ensure development of thinking, learning, analytical, technological and sports skills in each of students, to mould them into responsible, balanced human beings who will prove their mettle on the global stage.